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Craig Nadziejka


Artist Biography

Craig grew up in a home with his father’s paintings on the walls and a sister working in fashion design. Many are the memories of day trips to NYC to visit museums and study art and the latest fashions. He began to collect art while in college.

Today he lives with his creative wife and daughter near Weatherford, TX. An extensive art collection enlivens their home.

His love of photography reaches back to childhood and grew through the years. No studio work will be found in his portfolio. Spontaneous moments always seem to result in the best images. To capture the feeling of the moment is the goal. A strong love for Texas and the western lifestyle are evident in his work. Landscapes, horses, dogs, rodeo and architecture appear often.


His works have appeared in juried shows and won recognition in competitions from local to international. Recent works earned both a first place and an honorable mention in the Texas State Fair competition.The clear highlight, however, was the night he and his daughter both earned high honors in their hometown’s juried art show. Their awards proudly hang together. 

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